
Exhibition theme: Protest and Flight: Demonstration in Brandenburg on the Havel [55/56]



November 12 1989
Brandenburg on the Havel
Duration: 03:00 min.
Created By: Klaus Liere

License: Creative Commons License


banderole, city, crowd, demonstration, pavement, protest sign, shop, swastika, town square


fall of the Berlin Wall


Brandenburg an der Havel

Text in image

Freie Wahlen

[...] / Neues Forum

Lebensmittel / Obst und Gemüse / Fahrräder

Das ist Sozialismus! / Wohnung gesperrt / 4 Personen auf 236 qm

Umweltschutz / statt / Umweltschmutz

Wir sind / noch nicht / am Ziel

Wir fordern: / - Schluß mit d. führend. Rolle d. SED / - Freie demokratische Wahlen / - konkrete Rechenschaftslegung der / Verantwortlichen!

Deutschland / wieder in Verein? / O bitte nein!

Wer Wunder erwartet / wird keine / Initiative auslösen

Für freie / Wahlen / 1990

Eigene / Gemeinde / [...]

Guten Morgen / Brandenburg

Es lebe die / Oktoberrevolution 1989

Herr Mitzlaff! Der Fisch stinkt am Kopf

Other items in this set

Ultimately, it was the citizens of the GDR themselves who brought down the SED regime. From the summer of 1989 on, thousands of East Germans tried to flee to the West across the Hungarian-Austrian border and via the West German embassies in Budapest, Prague, and Warsaw. In East Germany itself, ever greater numbers of people supported the demands of the citizens' movements for free elections, freedom of the press, and freedom to travel, despite their fear of state repression. In October, mass protests, which now involved hundreds of thousands of demonstrators, spread across the entire country. Aware that their protest could no longer be stopped, people increasingly felt a desire to capture events on film.