In the early hours of 16 May 1990, the train rolled into Bayerischer Bahnhof in Leipzig, where we stayed for two days and a night before heading back to the Federal Republic. I am moved to this day by the many different encounters I experienced in those two days: people on both sides were apprehensive (Is everything going to be all right?), and wary (How are we going to get along with each other?), but also happy and friendly. We received a very warm welcome when we arrived, and the staff at the Bayerischer Bahnhof gave us all the technical assistance they possibly could.
Many of the Reichsbahn’s staff, as well as visitors from the surrounding housing blocks, wanted information, for example, about the upcoming currency reform or pensions. There was question after question, many of which were marked by fear or insecurity. People were most worried about losing their jobs. We tried our best to give them positive answers and instil hope.
The exhibition train was made up of four carriages packed with computer equipment and a dining car in which visitors were offered complementary food and drinks. We Wessis could hardly believe the patience and discipline of the visitors as they lined up and waited for admission. The people in the GDR had clearly never seen or experienced an exhibition train like this one!
Today, the Bayerischer Bahnhof in Leipzig no longer exists. But what remains are the memories of these quite incredible days and the many experiences involved."
Manfred Zimmerer (Villingen-Schwenningen, born 1940)