
The First Free Elections to the Volkskammer, in the Outskirts of Berlin, January to March 1990: Unabhängiger Frauenverband poster, "German Future" [128/207]



January 1 - March 31 1990
Berlin and vicinity
Created By: Ralf Skiba

License: Creative Commons License

"Für die Deutsche Zukunft!" ("For the German future!"). An election poster for the Unabhängigen Frauenverbands (Independent Women's Association)) that had been glued onto an election poster for the NDPD (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschland (National Democratic Party of Germany)


age, child, election poster, graphic art, motto, poster pasted over, youth


election campaign, Volkskammer election


Independent Women's Organisation, National Democratic Party of Germany


Other places (Berlin)

Text in image

Für die deutsche Zukunft!

Ist meine / Zukunft im / Kochtopf? / Arbeit und Kinder / - was ist mein / Marktwert? / Vorruhestand / ruhig gestellt? / Unabhängiger Frauenverband / Schließen wir uns zusammen! / Wir sind 50%! / Fordern wir für uns und un[...] Familien eine Zukunft! / Gleichstellung der Gese[...] [...]f allen Ebenen! / Erhalt und Verbesseru[ng] [...]tungen! / Sicherung der Renten un[...] [...]ben auch im Alter! / Deine Stimme für unsere Z[...]

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"I was born in Berlin and watched the Wall being built from my classroom in the district of Wedding. I found it quite remarkable that the GDR, the German 'Democratic!' Republic, held its first democratic elections on 18 March 1990 only to dissolve itself shortly afterwards. In the run-up to the election, I spent nearly every weekend from January to March 1990 touring the area around Berlin with my family, and taking photographs of the election campaign, posters, and everything else that had to do with the elections."

Ralf Skiba (West Berlin)