
Group Photographs: Group photo in front of Zugliget Church [3/20]



August 27 - September 24 1989
Hungary, Budapest, Malteser refugee camp Zugliget Church
Created By: Gerd Hernacz

License: Creative Commons License

From the Set

East German Refugees at the Order of Malta Relief Camp, Budapest, 10 September 1989

Employees of Malteser emergency services, including the Hungarian chairman, Pastor Imre Kozma, and Csilla Freifrau von Boeselager, co-founder of Hungarian Malteser - Caritas services, at the entrance to the refugee camp for GDR citizens established at the Zugliget Church in Budapest; Malteser emergency services began a large-scale operation in Hungary on August 27, 1989: "10,000 refugees from the GDR are being cared for in three camps before they are allowed to travel to the Federal Republic of Germany." (Retrieved and translated from Malteser Hilfsdienst, Erzdiözese München und Freising: Chronik 1955-2005, on April 23, 2009)
© OpenStreetMap contributors


group of people, logo, priest


camp, camping, celebration, Christian Church, crowd, embassy, joy, omnibus, press, the, refugee, television, wave of refugees


Order of Malta Ambulance Corps


Zugliget church

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