Exhibition theme: The Border Opens: Sign, "pane + libertate" [15/87]
December 26 1989
Berlin, Brandenburg Gate
Created By:
Detlef BahrLicense:

From the Set
Commemorating victims of the violent conflicts during the revolution in Rumania that ended on December 25, 1989 after the victory of the opposition and the execution of dictator, Nicolae Ceauşescu
barrier grid,
Berlin Wall (West),
flag of the GDR,
handmade medium,
red flag,
Brandenburg GateText in image
In memoria / fratilor romani / paine [pane] + libertate
RumänienOther items in this set
Almost everyone knows to this day where he or she was on 9 November 1989. The joy at being suddenly granted the freedom to travel, also to West Germany, was immense. Each time a new border crossing was opened, people celebrated. In the same way, the removal of segments of the Wall and of border fence, as well as the reconstruction of roads between East and West became important events. Countless photographs and films taken in Berlin and at the inner-German border document these incidents as they occurred – thus preserving the good fortune of experiencing everything live for the family album.
Original Caption
"The sign commemorates the revolution in Romania in December 1989, when nearly a thousand people were killed in a violent crackdown by the Ceauşescu regime. I saw this sign for the first time when I travelled to East Berlin on 26 December 1989, after having been banned from the GDR for many years."