Magdeburg 1989/90 and 2005/06: Detail of St. John's church [9/12]
Werner Klapper photographed sites in Magdeburg in 1989/90. 15 years later he photographed them again from the same perspective, using the same lens and focal distance.
Original Caption
"St. John's, the Late Gothic style church, survived World War II with utter destruction. Basically a ruin in the cityscape, until 1990 it merely consisted of the outer walls and the two towers. In the 1980ies, plans already existed to demolish the building because of the unsafe walls." (from: Stadt im Wandel. Magdeburg zwischen 1990 und 2006, in vergleichenden Fotografien von Werner Klapper, 2. Aufl., Magdeburg: Ost-Nordost Verlag 2007)